Barb Howard


Barb is trained in ontology and positive psychology, holds qualifications in Politics and International Studies, Public Policy and Administration and Sustainability and Community Development. To add to that she also has a post graduate certificate in Regenerative Agriculture! Barb supports people to create teams who are courageous, confident, and resilient, and is committed to making a local difference with a global impact.


Vice Chairperson

Jason Jarvis is the third generation of his family to Farm at Happy Valley, their property just south of Donnybrook.

The family business trading as Prime Organics has been certified organic since 2009 and produce apples, pears, nashi, plums, eggs and beef cattle.



David Martin owns Stormflower Vineyard in Margaret River, which has held organic certification since 2016 and produces a range of certified organic wine.

David is also a co-owner of Weelhamby Farm, a certified organic mixed cropping and sheep grazing property north of Perenjori.



Karlee is a new land owner and orchardist at King River and in her ‘spare’ time lectures in organic horticulture at South Regional TAFE. Some may know Karlee from her former DPIRD days. Karlee is steering the social media platforms of COBWA and is passionate to hear your stories, receive photo’s for posting and advance the COBWA Connections across the whole value chain, grower to grower- grower to market- grower to consumer.


Barry Green and wife Dale own Boronia Farm at Donnybrook which has held NASAA certification since 1999. Barry also owns Western Tourist Radio and is Chair of Donnybrook Balingup Community Radio Inc. Both are providing a voice for community and small businesses, the media equivalent of Regenerative Agriculture, “Regenerative Media”.


Garry and his wife Linda run a mixed farming enterprise at Pingelly. Currently growing organic oats for milling, hay for the horse industry and sheep for meat and wool.

Having a business background in wool brokering and newsagent industry he brings a ground up approach to the organics industry.

Peter Mason

A certified horticulture producer from Bridgetown, Peter is interested in understanding the link between natural foods and human health, regenerative agriculture, soil, plant and animal health. Peter is also involved with the WHAGs holistic management group and is working full-time to rehabilitate his ex-bluegum property.

Dr Luke Neil

Luke is a beef/sheep farmer in the Southwest working towards organic certification. Luke uses regenerative farming principles on his farm including rotational grazing, minimizing soil disturbance, and artificial chemical free. Luke has a Ph.D. in Aquatic ecotoxicology, more than 15 years of experience in environmental management and land rehabilitation and is passionate about generating healthy food.

Anne Jones

Anne is a certified horticulture farmer from Albany. She has an Environmental Science degree, 30 years experience in agriculture, including 18 years as a Project Officer for Dept Agriculture WA and four years experience running an organic shop and cafe. Currently working as a consultant, Anne is passionate about seeing the organic industry grow and thrive.