Ordinary Membership
SelectOpen to any business or individual in Western Australia that is a primary producer Certified Organic or Biodynamic by an accredited certifying body. When you join, you'll receive a complimentary featured listing on the Organic Directory of WA.
Certified Associate Membership
SelectOpen to any business or individual in Western Australia that is Certified Organic or Biodynamic by an accredited certifying body that is not a primary producer. When you join, you'll receive a complimentary featured listing on the Organic Directory of WA.
Industry Associate Membership
SelectOpen to any business or individual supplying products or services to the organics industry in Western Australia that does not hold organic or biodynamic certification. When you join, you'll receive a complimentary featured listing on the Organic Directory of WA.
Organic Consumer Membership
SelectOpen to any business or individual in Western Australia that is interested in supporting the organics industry
Organic Transition Membership
SelectOpen to any business or individual in Western Australia that is interested in seeking organic or biodynamic certification
Please note that plans will automatically renew every 12 months unless cancelled prior. By signing up as a member you agree to our Constitution.
View the constitution